Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Miss You

Miss you? Miss who?!?!
I've received an email from Siaw Wei, and that surprised me! (Not that she didn't send me any messages, but.. it's still that 'wow!' feeling..weird huh?)
Reading her words, then only I realized how much I've missed the olden days. Time flies, and now I'm already a college student. I've never thought of this before. How much I've wished that time never goes on and things remain as it is, but I know, those are indulges in absurd fantasies. Those that are changing will keep on changing, 'cause life changes in an instant, the ORDINARY instant, the only thing that doesn't is 'change' itself.
However the life before us is what we have to face, no matter joyous, sorrow or plain, I know that all of us will sure live our life to the fullest, isn't it so?
No matter how much I miss you, we'll continue our own journey, at a different place, in a different culture and a different timezone..Nevertheless, we're still in touch :) Take care, and good luck!

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